Does your body ever feel weighed down by stress and toxins? You will besurprised how much good a simple foot bath can do. The detox foot bath is a warmrelaxing foot soak and cleanse at the same time! It’s an energy therapy device that thepositive charge of ion. The detox foot bath is a warmrelaxing foot soak and cleanse at the same time! It’s an energy therapy device that thepositive charge of ionized water is designed to draw negatively charged toxins out ofyour body, which balances the body’s natural energy system by releasing them fromyour body through the soles of your feet. This action results in the initial purging oftoxins, heavy metals, yeast, cellular debris, parasites, mucus, joint inflammation anddraining the lymphatic system. Watch as the toxins are being released into the waterand the water color changes identifying which organs are cleansing. Great detoxificationprocess to combine with your mineral detox body wrap.
People of any age, sex and background can greatly benefit from this natural cleansingapproach, and you’ll notice big changes in a very short period of time.
When water is ionized and split into H+ and OH- ions (and sometimes into H3O+ andH2O2 ions), these ions are able to enter the body through the 4,000 large pores of thefeet. Then the circulatory and lymphatic systems transport the ions throughout thebody. These ions neutralize oppositely charged toxins in the cells that are normally slowto exit the body. In this way, all the body’s organs can become energized and stimulatedto function optimally. The body then rids itself of these toxins through its normalprocesses of urination, defecation and sweating.
- Removes toxins, free radicals and body waste products that can causehealth problems. In an Aug. ’04 study by Carlos A. Lopez-Moreno, MD, therewas a significant deposit of urea, creatinine and glucose in the foot basin in12 patients with chronic illnesses
- Raise pH levels. Approximately 95% of people experience a state of acidityin which their blood pH is lower than 7.45, indicating an excess of hydrogenions. This makes an ideal breeding ground for worms, parasites,microorganisms and other critters that lower body function and causedisease.
- Inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus
- Relieve pain and tension including headaches
- Purify the blood and lymph
- Stimulate and balance the immune system
- Enhance nutrient absorption
- Reduce inflammation and unwanted fluid retention
- Help clear up skin
- Assist in weight loss
- Slow down aging and improve body flexibility
- Quicken recovery time from disease or injury
- Increase oxygen in the body
- Rejuvenate and energize your whole body
- Improve sleep